The Savings calculator requires you to input the following information to estimate your potential savings:
- Savings Current Age: Your current age.
- Retirement Age: The age at which you plan to retire.
- Current Savings (βΉ): The total amount of savings you currently have (in Rupees).
- Monthly Savings (βΉ): The amount you save every month (in Rupees).
- Expected Annual Return (%): The expected percentage return on your investments each year. This depends on the type of investments you choose (e.g., stocks, bonds, etc.).
- Expected Inflation Rate (%): The estimated percentage by which prices are expected to rise each year.
Savings Calculator
How the savings Calculation Works:
The savings calculator works in these steps:
- Years to Retirement: This is the difference between your retirement age and your current age.
- Future Savings: The calculator adds the expected annual return to your current savings each year, and also adds your annual savings (Monthly Savings x 12). This process is repeated until you reach your retirement age.
- Adjustment for Inflation: The value of money in the future will be different from its value today due to inflation. Therefore, the calculator uses the inflation rate to convert the future savings into today's value. This is referred to as "Estimated Savings (in today's value)."

How to Use the Calculator:
- Open the calculator in your web browser (the
file). - Enter your information in all the input fields mentioned above.
- Click the "Calculate" button.
- You will see the "Estimated Savings (in today's value)." This is the estimated amount you will have at retirement, expressed in today's money.

Let's say:
- Current Age: 30
- Retirement Age: 60
- Current Savings: βΉ100,000
- Monthly Savings: βΉ10,000
- Expected Annual Return: 7%
- Expected Inflation Rate: 5%
The calculator will show you that you will have approximately βΉ6,500,000 (in today's value) at retirement.
Important Points to Remember:
- This calculator provides only an estimate. Actual results may vary, as investment returns and inflation rates fluctuate.
- This calculator does not account for taxes.
- This calculator only calculates savings, not post-retirement expenses.